Social Thinking Product Catalog 2025
Social Thinking Products for All Ages
$49.99 | Ages 5–11 | Published: 2021
Item #: 7003
The Road to Regulation Poster
Leah Kuypers, Elizabeth Sautter
Adapted from the colorful layout in The Regulation Station storybook, this award-winning 24" x
18" poster is a flexible, real-time reminder of the four steps needed to 1) recognize your feelings,
2) identify your Zone, 3) choose a tool, and 4) use the tool to help regulate your feelings expe-
rienced across diferent situations. Use it at home, school, or clinic to review information with
children while reading the 2-Storybook Set and to support lessons from The Zones of Regulation
$16.99 | Ages 5–11 | Published: 2020
Item #: 978-1-936943-81-4
The Road to Regulation & The Regulation Station:
Understanding and Managing Feelings & Emotions
(two-storybook set)
Leah Kuypers, Elizabeth Sautter
Come along with Gabriel, Suhana, Julian, and Vivian as they begin their journey on The Road to
Regulation and discover tools and strategies for regulation and emotional control at the amazing
Regulation Station.
These two multiple award-winning storybooks provide engaging social scenarios and strategies
to help children at developmental ages 5-11 explore how lessons from The Zones of Regulation
framework and curriculum can be used at school and at home. Kids love stories and will identify
with the characters and the everyday situations as they learn about their feelings and emotions
and how their bodies help show and tell them what they are feeling. Readers will also learn
along with the characters that they can manage and control how they feel by using tools—such
as movement, activities, and art—to relax, focus, and stay calm so they can meet their goals and
needs of the day.
The first storybook, The Road to Regulation, describes and explains four diferent emotional
zones and how we feel in each of them. Through an imaginary adventure to “The Regulation
Station,” the second storybook introduces the use of “tools” (strategies) to help students identify
ways they can manage their diferent feelings at school and home.