Product Catalog 2025

This catalog includes a complete listing of Social Thinking's current offerings. All products link to the website where you can read more and easily add to your cart if you wish to purchase. (See "Ordering FAQs on pages 34-35 for more information.)

Social Thinking has helped over 2.5 million educators,

clinicians, and families around the world for more than

25 years

Social, emotional, and academic learning is a lifelong journey. At some point, we all struggle in social

situations, and engaging in a social problem-solving and feeling-based process can be dificult at times for

everyone in the social world—at home, at school, at work, and within the community. But, understanding

and considering our own and others’ thoughts and feelings is essential for understanding most academic

subjects. And when we work in groups (which we will throughout our lives), we need to be able to

collaborate efectively with others, which requires taking and getting diferent perspectives, sharing ideas,

and resolving conflicts. This is social thinking (thinking socially), and this critical learning is expected to

develop and evolve throughout our lives as we work toward our own and collective goals.

That’s why the Social Thinking® Methodology ofers a diverse array of research-informed resources, training,

curricula, practical strategies, and visual tools for neurodivergent and neurotypical social learners with solid

to strong expressive and receptive language skills and all developmental ages, from 4–80.

Teachers, speech-language pathologists, counselors, caregivers, and therapists just like you have used

our lessons, and strategies for more than 25 years. The Social Thinking Methodology provides evidence-

based strategies to help people develop their social competencies, flexible thinking, and social problem

solving to improve: conversation & social connection, executive functioning, friendship & relationship

development, perspective taking, self-regulation, and Social Thinking Vocabulary. Our conceptual and

teaching frameworks show educators, caregivers, therapists, children, students, and clients how the social

world operates and why through concrete, specific vocabulary, and explicit step-by-step instruction. And

it provides developmentally based strategies and engaging activities to support social learners ages four

through mature adulthood in moving toward improvement in their own social goals.

Explore our broad range of products, online courses, conferences, and free resources for teaching practical

concepts, vocabulary, and strategies to help guide social learners in some of the most significant learning of

their lives.

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